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chiropractor for lower back pain in Oklahoma CityMany people visit a specific chiropractor for lower back pain in Oklahoma City. They have two goals in mind: 1) to find the root of their suffering and 2) to get natural relief. These topics are what exactly we will be talking about in this blog. So, be sure to read until the end.


What’s Causing Your Lower Back Pain When Sitting?

Imagine this scenario: You were waiting for a ride home at the bus stop. You realized you were already standing for too long, so you gave your legs a little rest by sitting down on a bench. But when you sat down, you felt extreme pain coming from your lower back. This was something you had never felt before. How can a simple act of sitting down leave you in such despair? The pain even grew gradually for days and hurt a lot each time you sat down. 

Lower back pain surely is not fun, but for many Americans, it is a familiar foe. Due to its familiarity, many choose to ignore what really is behind their suffering. Lower back pain could signal that there is something wrong with your spine. The root of pain can be mild or severe. But either way, your suffering will prolong the longer you ignore what is going on in your body. 

These are the common causes of lower back pain when sitting down. 

1. Arthritis

One of the most common symptoms of arthritis is lower back pain. Osteoarthritis of the spine can affect the lower back and cause it to wear and tear. The pain becomes more noticeable when you twist or bend your back. Bending your lower back is a movement that you do when you sit down. 

2. Improper posture

In an era where desk jobs are so common, a good posture has never been harder to achieve. You may find temporary comfort when hunching over your laptop, but this position can surely cause a painful discomfort at the end. Why? It’s because poor posture strains your back muscles and stresses your spine. When you sit down for too long with improper posture, pressure can build up in your spine. This affects the structure and alignment of your delicate backbones. 

As a result, you may experience problems other than lower back pain, such as fatigue and headache. Always remember that habitual poor posture can hurt your back and the rest of your body. A chiropractor for lower back pain in Oklahoma City is an ideal professional who can precisely correct spinal misalignments due to improper posture.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and back pain, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

3. Spinal tumors

Lower back pain is one of the earliest symptoms of spinal tumors. Since a spinal tumor is a mass that grows in or surrounding the spinal cord, it may cause a weakening or expansion of the bones. Unfortunately, this also results in pinched nerves, spinal instability, or spinal fracture. The pain can come about after simple acts such as bending your lower back to pick something up or when you sit down. 

4. Degenerative disc disease

Degenerative disc disease describes the wearing and tearing of the spinal discs as you age. It can occur anywhere in the spine, but it most commonly affects the lower region (lumbar area) and the neck. This condition may put pressure on your spinal cord and its surrounding nerves. As a result, you may experience unbearable pain when you twist or bend your lower back. 

5. Excess weight

Extra weight can add stress and pressure to your spine and joints. Also, excess fat on your belly can cause your lower back to slant forward, creating a round arch in the back. These things may result in spinal disc problems such as lower back pain and muscle strain. The pain can get even more intense when you sit down.


Avoid Lower Back Pain When Sitting By Following These

Sitting is one of the most repeated actions that we do every day. We sit when we eat, work, or enjoy a movie night with loved ones. But for people with lower back pain, sitting down may become a very daunting task as it can put them in such debilitating pain. 

Here are quick tips to help you avoid lower back pain when sitting down. 

1. Lose weight

Your spine is amazingly designed to carry and balance your body weight. However, it cannot hold excess weight in the long run. Over time, excess weight may eventually damage your delicate spine. Losing weight can result in complete or partial lower back pain relief. You can lose excess weight by following an exercise program that best suits your current health status. So, be sure to talk to your doctor about your weight loss plan. 

2. Maintain good posture

We cannot stress enough how important proper posture is for your entire spine. So, be sure to avoid slouching when you’re sitting or standing for your lower back’s sake. 

Even though improper posture has been your problem for years, it is still possible for you to make improvements. Practice proper posture every single day. Ergonomic products can make things much easier for you, especially if the nature of your work involves sitting on a chair for hours. Maintaining good posture shouldn’t stop at the end of your day. You should keep it even while you sleep. These tips can help you wake up and start a new day with a pain-free lower back. 

3. Visit a chiropractor for lower back pain in Oklahoma City

A licensed specific chiropractor for lower back pain in Oklahoma City can have the answer to your problems. Dr. Alvin, a trusted provider of this form of natural care, offers a specific and gentle approach to correct spinal misalignment, which could be causing your lower back pain. Specific chiropractic practice can allow your body to recover naturally. It also helps with your balance, blood circulation, and overall health.


You Can Trust Our Chiropractor for Lower Back Pain in Oklahoma City

Our team here at Venturis Chiropractic and Prolotherapy offers quality specific chiropractic care to relieve your pain. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Alvin Philipose, our trusted chiropractor for lower back pain in Oklahoma City, to access this natural care. The chiropractic help you need is just a call away. You can book your appointment through this online form or call our office at (405) 848-7246. 


To schedule a consultation with Venturis Chiropractic & Acupuncture, call (405) 848-7246, or just click the button below.

Walking is one of the most overlooked options for lower back pain relief in Oklahoma City, OK. Most people rest in bed when back pain creeps in. There’s nothing wrong with letting your body relax. However, being glued to the bed for so long won’t help your back get better faster. 

Adding a regular walk to your daily routine can significantly improve your health. Being physically active can help you feel better as it naturally benefits both your mind and body. Walking is an excellent way to re-energize your body, relieve back pain, and engage with others.


The Underrated Benefits of Walking

Walking is a very light and accessible form of physical activity, but many people with back pain think it’s not much of an effective exercise. Little do they know even just a few walks offer all the benefits you can get from aerobic exercise. In addition, walking comes for free. You can do this anywhere without spending a single dime. 

Let’s take a closer look at how walking becomes a practical option for lower back pain relief in Oklahoma City, OK.

Walking can help boost muscle strength. The muscles in your leg work together while you walk. They provide stability and control to your body. Also, these movements can help strengthen your spine’s stability. As a result, your body becomes more upright and balanced. Therefore, walking can help you have a good posture.

Stiffness in the muscles and joints is common for people with a physically inactive lifestyle. These issues could lead to the development of lower back pain. However, with a simple walk, you can reverse your problem. Walking helps your back become flexible as it stretches your stiff muscles and ligaments. As a result, you will enhance your range of motion. 

A good option for lower back pain relief in Oklahoma City, OK, walking increases blood flow. It helps ease the constriction of blood vessels in your back, promoting good blood flow and effectively getting rid of stiffness. This can give more comfort and relief in the painful area. 

Carrying too much bodyweight could increase your chances of developing lower back pain. Likewise, living a sedentary lifestyle worsens your suffering. So, get moving and start walking. Long walks can help you burn excess calories in your body. However, do not depend on this exercise alone. It will help if you pair walking with a healthy diet and appropriate workout routine. 

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and back pain, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Tips For Walking Your Way to Lower Back Pain Relief

We understand that standing and walking can add more pressure as you deal with back pain. However, staying active is an effective way to alleviate your symptoms—if you do it correctly! There are some things to remember before you hit the road and walk. Follow these recommendations so you get the most out of walking and experience lower back pain relief in Oklahoma City, OK in no time.

We know how much lower back pain can be dreadful. So, do not shock your body by suddenly taking a long walk out of desperation to find relief. Instead, walk moderately for at least 10 minutes outside, then increase your time, distance, and pace after days or weeks. 

Stretching provides a lot of good benefits to the body. When you stretch before you walk, you are decreasing your chances of soreness and injury. If you don’t stretch, your leg, buttocks, and lower back muscles will tighten up. This may lead to more stiffness, pain, and discomfort. 

Slouching your back does not do any good. So, try to walk straight up while pushing your shoulders back. Sway your hands to the opposite direction of your feet while walking. This can significantly help in reducing tension. 

Walking is beneficial to the body. However, anything excessive can harm us. Prolonged walking can tighten and strain the muscles in the lower back. As a result, you get worse lower back pain. To avoid this discomfort, make sure that you do this exercise moderately. 

Wearing uncomfortable shoes while doing any exercise can cause back pain. Make sure that you pick the proper footwear that will provide good support to your feet as you walk. 

Water can help your spinal discs get enough amount of fluid. Dehydration causes them to lose water supply, thus results in lower back pain. Treat hydration as part of your most important daily habit. 


Beat Lower Back Pain with Specific Chiropractic

There’s a wide array of options for lower back pain relief in Oklahoma City, OK. Walking, yoga and medications are good for the back. However, you might want to consider getting a long-term relief plan. 

We recommend you consult a specific chiropractor in your area.  Specific chiropractic care is focused on correcting spinal misalignments. This is a more precise option to aid lower back pain. In addition, realigning the misalignments anywhere in your spine will allow your central nervous system to communicate properly again to the rest of your body. This increases your chance for faster recovery.

Specific chiropractic care is an excellent solution for most people with lower back pain. So, contact Venturis Chiropractic & Acupuncture to know the root of your pain. From there, you can begin your back pain recovery. 

To schedule a consultation with Venturis Chiropractic & Acupuncture, call (405) 848-7246, or just click the button below.

They say we live in an age where we can easily find the information we need on almost any topic. This is true without a doubt. If you Google back pain, you will end up with pages after pages of information from various websites. However, not all of them speak facts. You might also come across several back pain myths that offer misleading details. They could potentially affect your understanding of your pain and how well you manage your symptoms. 

As your go-to Oklahoma City specific chiropractor, Dr. Alvin Philipose thought of addressing this matter by debunking the seven most popular myths about back pain. He’s also included remedies that can provide you with lower back pain relief in Oklahoma City.  

Myth #1: Back Pain Appears Out of the Blue

As a clinic providing lower back pain relief in Oklahoma City, we have met with hundreds of patients who used to believe that their back pain appeared without an apparent reason. After working with our Oklahoma City specific chiropractor, they realized that their pain could stem from various things like: 

Myth #2: Bed Rest is the Only Remedy for an Achy Back

Doctors generally advise patients to rest in bed for no more than three days. Within this period, an injury or trauma to your back can slowly heal, allowing you to experience less intense pain. After the resting period, you should gradually engage in physical activities again. Otherwise, Harvard Health explains that you might experience additional problems such as:

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and back pain, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Myth #3: Every Type of Back Pain Calls for Surgical Intervention 

Surgical intervention is an option for back pain relief. However, it only works for certain patients, such as those who have failed to ease their pain after seeking other remedies. 

It also works for people with bone spurs or bone overgrowth, a common issue that arises from osteoarthritis. When you have bone spurs along the spine, the excess bone tissues press on nerves such as the sciatic nerve. This results in searing pain that comes and goes. It can also cause nerve damage if the problem persists for years. 

If you have been suffering for years and haven’t tapped into countless options for lower back pain relief in Oklahoma City, you can reconsider surgical operation. Talk to your physician or seek a second opinion. You can also explore pain management techniques such as seeking an Oklahoma City specific chiropractor or making a few adjustments to your lifestyle. 

Myth #4: All You Need is a Back Belt to Keep the Pain at Bay

If you’re a fan of weightlifters, you might have seen them wear back belts during a competition or while working out. You might have also seen commercials or ads on back belts and how they supposedly prevent injuries while lifting objects. However, before you hit “add to cart” and wait for your back belt to get shipped, we recommend reconsidering your decision. 

CDC explains that abdominal belts or back supports don’t prevent injury or provide enough support to your back when you carry a heavy load. Until today, there aren’t enough studies to demonstrate the value of using back belts, especially among laborers. 

Instead of relying on supporting equipment or wearables, we highly recommend applying an effective lifting technique. For example, you should bend your knees and hips and spread your legs apart when you start lifting. 

Myth #5: A Fitness Ball is Better Than an Office Chair

Many office workers who had to shift to remote working arrangements struggled to choose between traditional office chairs and fitness or yoga balls. That’s because companies selling yoga balls position it as a healthier option as it promotes active sitting and engages various muscle groups in the body.

However, in truth, there also aren’t enough studies to back their claim. Many healthcare professionals argue that it can put additional strain on the spine and neck, especially if you don’t use the right size of fitness ball for your workspace. It also puts you at risk of slipping or hurting your back because of the unstable form of the ball.

Myth #6: Applying Heat Helps with the Inflammation 

Heat therapy is probably one of the oldest approaches to dealing with injuries. However, many people still get confused about when to apply heat to their injured muscles or joints. Some believe that they should apply heat to reduce inflammation. 

As a rule of thumb, use heat only after the swelling subside. Otherwise, it will promote blood flow into the injured area and cause increased inflammation. We suggest using a cold compress or ice packs to deal with the swelling. After the injury improves, you can apply a hot compress to speed up recovery.

Myth #7: Stretching Always Works for Back Pain Relief 

Stretching comes in handy in promoting the release of endorphins and releasing muscle tension. However, it doesn’t mean that you should immediately resort to stretching your back whenever you feel it aching. Some causes of back pain get worse after a stretching exercise. Therefore, it’s wise to seek your Oklahoma City specific chiropractor, therapist, or doctor for advice before you enroll in a fitness program. 

Natural Back Pain Relief is Attainable

Now that you’re well acquainted with the truths behind the top 7 back pain myths, you have a better shot at finding an excellent pain remedy. You can start by making a few changes to your posture, especially while working. It might also help to invest in quality workplace equipment like ergonomic desks and chairs. You should also look into changing your mattress or pillow, especially if you notice back pain after waking up. 

Additionally, you might find it helpful to get your spinal alignment checked and adjusted. If your back pain starts appearing after a neck or head injury, or if you suspect spinal misalignment, a specific chiropractor might be the best person to call. 

Specific chiropractic focuses on the entire spine. It aims to realign unlevelled shoulder or pelvic bones, ease muscle tension along the neck and spine, and restore your brain’s communication pathway. Ultimately, it aims to relieve your back pain and prevent the onset of other more serious problems like sciatica and nerve pinching. 

Discover unique neck pain chiropractic solutions in Oklahoma City with Venturis Chiropractic & Acupuncture. You can schedule your appointment with Dr. Alvin, our certified Oklahoma City specific chiropractor, or call us at (405) 848-7246.

To schedule a consultation with Venturis Chiropractic & Acupuncture, call (405) 848-7246, or just click the button below.

If you have tried multiple types of doctors and treatments but still hurting, you may not have found the cause. We can help!
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7917 N May Ave, Oklahoma City, 
OK 73120, USA
(405) 848-7246
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