Prolotherapy Injections Specialist Near Me in Oklahoma City, OK

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Neural therapy is a powerful treatment that can be quite effective in resolving autonomic nervous system dysfunction and pain, especially in the complex pain patient.

Chronic pain is a major problem in our society not just because of its prevalence, but also because of the general lack of effective treatment for patients afflicted with chronic pain.  This treatment is designed to repair dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system—that part of the nervous system responsible for the “automatic” functions of the body. When used in conjunction with other techniques, such as prolotherapy, I have found neural therapy to be very effective in resolving even the worst cases of chronic, seemingly intractable, pain.

Treatment Agents

Neural therapy at my office is performed with a natural homeopath agent combined with lidocaine for the sole purpose of reducing pain.

Conditions Appropriate for Treatment With Neural Therapy

Neural therapy is potentially useful for any type of musculoskeletal pain complaint, including low back pain or other chronic joint pain not responsive to other treatments. Painful, sensitive post surgical scars are particularly helped.

Common ailments,

Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and hypermobility is a genetic connective tissue disorder which can cause joints and tendons to take damage, dislocate and other symptoms such as skin to stretch too tightly, and hypermobility. Those with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome may have one or more of these symptoms.

Prolotherapy is a treatment for chronic pain and musculoskeletal conditions that involves injecting natural substances into the painful area to stimulate healing. It has been used to treat Ehlers-Danlos syndrome patients with success.

The first step in treating Ehler's Danlos Syndrome patients with prolotherapy is to have an examination including inflammatory blood tests, physical examination, digital motion- x-rays, ultrasound imaging, and MRI's. to determine if the patient has any other coexisting conditions, such as osteoporosis or an autoimmune disorder. A combination of specific alignments, dry-needling, muscle strengthening and massage result in significant pain reduction in a matter of weeks. For more information, call Dr. Philipose at 405-848-7246 to see if prolotherapy might be right for you.


If you're suffering from a rotator cuff injury or shoulder pain, prolotherapy may be right for you. Prolotherapy is a non-surgical method of treating an injury that causes the body to recognize an injury and repair it by stimulating the growth of new cells. This method is also known as regenerative injection therapy.

Prolotherapy works by injecting a natural solution into the ligament, tendon or joint at the site of your injury. This solution stimulates your body's healing response and strengthens the area surrounding the injury.

In addition to reducing pain, this treatment can help restore your range of motion, strengthen your muscles, and increase blood flow to the affected area. The process begins with an evaluation from a physical therapist who will determine if prolotherapy is right for you. If it's determined that you're a candidate for this treatment, then injections will be administered based on a comprehensive treatment plan.

Prolotherapy can help with other types of injuries as well as chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia and arthritis. Call Venturis in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma at 405-848-7246 for more information.

This is Dr. Phillipose here at Venturis Clinic and today we're going to be talking about why a second opinion. Second opinions are important for people that have tried various things.90% of our cases have done physical therapy, drugs or may be facing surgery or have had surgery. 

A lot of times things can get overlooked. So prime example of that is people that suffer from herniated or degenerative disc disease have pain off to the side, which is what we usually find as a SI joint instability, the ligaments that come from L4/ L5, that attached to the pelvis are unstable. So even though the condition that they're diagnosed with is on the spine, the pain is off to the side and whether the right or left side, and you can feel this pain and difficult sitting for long periods of time. Walking, sitting anything like that can be difficult. 

What we do is run a digital motion X-ray, ultrasound and compare MRIs.  Sometimes other conditions may be related. So if you have an unstable Atlanto-Axial ligament, then what we find is that the inflammation could occur in the Vaguss nerve cranial nerve number eight. You can get vertigo, you can get IBS type of symptoms in the stomach, and this inflammation can be measured and addressed at the same time as treating the neck. The Atlanto-axial instability is something that is very common for someone that may have degenerative disc or some sort of cervical pain. In general, getting a second opinion is always important. So if you have a loved one or if you are kind of frustrated, you're kind of just kind of going through the motions and tired of taking drugs. No one's giving you answers. Then give us a call at (405) 848-7246. Let me take a look at you and let's get you back on path to true wellness.. 

So that's Venturis at  4 0 5 8 4 8 7 2 4 6.  

Prolozone is a natural, non-invasive and drug-free treatment for knee pain. It is an effective alternative to surgery. It can help relieve the pain, inflammation, and stiffness you experience from arthritis or injuries. Call now for your free consultation! #prolotherapy #nosurgery #kneepain #venturis #oklahoma #oklahomacity #Piedmont #Philipose

Digital Motion X-ray is the only diagnostic innovation in chiropractic since the invention of upright x-ray over 100 years ago. Digital Motion X-ray is a technology that allows for spinal imaging under load (motion) using fluoroscopy. In essence, it is a live x-ray machine that captures motion like a video camera.

Digital Motion X-Ray is a technique that allows your doctor to see the spine in motion. This technology better demonstrates the problem areas of your spine and helps determine a treatment plan best suited for you. The purpose of Digital Motion X-Ray is to observe how one vertebrae moves in relation to its adjacent vertebrae by placing markers on certain bony landmarks. Your spine will be imaged in multiple positions including bending, twisting, and side bending. After analyzing the images, your doctor will be able to correlate those abnormal movements with your pain symptoms.

Patients treated with prolotherapy who first undergo digital motion x-ray experience a decreased need for medication and opioids, improved range of motion, and experience faster healing times, when compared to patients treated with prolotherapy only.

If you have an injury that is chronic, prolotherapy might be right for you. Digital motion x-ray helps to ensure the best possible treatment outcome so you can get rid of those nagging injuries.

For more information on how digital motion x-ray and prolotherapy can help, call Venturis in Oklahoma city at 405-848-7246

If you have tried multiple types of doctors and treatments but still hurting, you may not have found the cause. We can help!
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7917 N May Ave, Oklahoma City, 
OK 73120, USA
(405) 848-7246
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