Dr. Alvin Philipose DC/ Charnelle Dean APRN
Prolotherapy Injections Specialist Near Me in Oklahoma City, OK

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Chronic Headache Pain- Oklahoma City Prolotherapy

Dr. Alvin Philipose is a Prolotherapist with 21 years of experience and insight to provide Neural Prolotherapy to patients in the Oklahoma City, Piedmont and other Oklahoma surrounding areas. NPT is a powerful, straightforward treatment that can produce noticeable results in just minutes.

NPT targets nerves that can cause chronic headaches and migraines. A low-dose dextrose solution is injected into the body through perineural injection, an injection near the area of a damaged nerve. Nerves become entrapped due to physical compression, moving them out of their natural alignment. Perineural therapy leverages the unique properties of dextrose. This is a holistic type of therapy, simple sugar that is used by the brain as our main energy source. No matter what you consume whether it is food or drinks, the nerves regularly demand dextrose and function optimally only when it is available to utilize. By introducing the dextrose substance in a targeted way, it becomes possible to reduce inflammation and enhance nerve function to decrease headaches and migraines. This helps “reset” nerves that may have become trapped in a sort of loop that consistently sends pain signals to the brain when little stimulus is present.

NPT is recommended for any patient who are found to have chronic headache pain resulting from nerve-related problems and or migraines. It is one of the only headache treatments that can effectively help people who suffer from neuropathic damage. NPT is not for everyone however, it is extremely safe, completely natural, requires no recovery time. It only takes a few minutes to diagnose and learn whether NPT therapy is the right therapy for you. In some cases, patients may experience complete elimination of their pain. NPT is also used for pain in other parts of the body, including but not limited to;

  • Knees
  • Shoulders
  • Neck
  • Hips
  • Injured muscles
  • Joints damaged by repetitive stress like tennis elbow
  • The jaw, especially when afflicted with TMJ
  • The face, especially suffering from Bell’s palsy

Contact Venturis Chiropractic & Prolotherapy and schedule your chronic headache consultation with Dr. Alvin Philipose to ensure that your are the perfect candidate for NPT!

Schedule an Appointment Now!

The best way to schedule an appointment is to use our online booking system, or send a text 
with your name and preferred appointment day(s) / time(s) to (405) 848-7246.
Schedule Your Appointment
If you have tried multiple types of doctors and treatments but still hurting, you may not have found the cause. We can help!
Find Us
7917 N May Ave, Oklahoma City, 
OK 73120, USA
(405) 848-7246
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