Dr. Alvin Philipose DC/ Charnelle Dean APRN
Prolotherapy Injections Specialist Near Me in Oklahoma City, OK

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Headache Treatment: Oklahoma City, OK and Surrounding Areas’ Perspective

As a chiropractor in Oklahoma City and surrounding areas, Dr. Alvin Philipose sees patients who have headaches on a daily basis. Around 50% of people will report having at least one headache per year. Also, 4% of the entire world’s population suffer from headaches 15 or more days out of every month. Headaches are extremely common, but they are NOT normal! Headaches are one of the many ways your body may tell you that something is not functioning properly and must be addressed quickly.
Headaches are such a common ailment considering there are many different sources that can cause headaches to occur. Emotional causes such as stress, anxiety, or depression can trigger headaches, as well as existing medical conditions like high blood pressure or infections. Even environmental factors such as the weather can trigger headaches in some cases. The most common headache problem seen in our office, however, stems from physical or mechanical dysfunction. This can be through injury, nerve irritation, spine dysfunction, or muscle issues like trigger points. Dr. Alvin Philipose is trained to address these types of headaches directly but can also assist you in making lifestyle changes to combat headaches of other origins.
Like any problem that is causing pain, it’s essential to find the root cause of headaches. Many times, headache problems aren’t actually coming from the head, but rather from the neck. Muscle, joint, or disc issues can trigger headaches, so it is important to distinguish which type of headache you have so it can be managed appropriately. If there is a physical problem causing your headache, there is no pill or shot that will fix that headache. Dr. Alvin Philipose specializes in techniques that will address these types of headaches and get you feeling better faster!

How We Treat Headaches In Oklahoma City, OK and Surrounding Areas

Comprehensive Consultation and Exam

Any encounter with a new patient at Venturis Clinic begins with an in-depth consultation. As a skilled doctor, we need to get to know you and your story, and how you have gotten to this point. This history is crucial to understanding your condition and helps us determine the best way that we can help you. If you present to our office with chronic headaches, for example, we want to find out how those headaches are interfering with your life. This helps us to set the appropriate goals for your care to get you back to your normal daily activity.
The examination will consist of performing orthopedic, functional, and neurologic tests to help us find the cause of your headaches. This ensures that we put together the unique and right treatment plan for you so we can meet your goals and improve the quality of your life in the process.

Specific Chiropractic Care | Oklahoma City, Ok and Surrounding Areas

Dr. Alvin Philipose specializes in finding and correcting subluxations. This is a problem that occurs when a vertebra (bone in your spine) moves out of its normal position and causes irritation to nerves in that area. When nerves are irritated, they become symptomatic and can be painful due to inflammation. Correcting subluxation allows the nerves to function properly and the body to heal itself.
Many times, people with headaches have subluxation in the upper cervical spine (neck). The nerves in this area emerge from the spine and travel up the back of the head. When these nerves are irritated, one of the most common symptoms they cause is headaches. Through specific chiropractic care to this area, nerve interference can be removed, and nerve function can be restored. For many, this will fix the headaches they are experiencing almost instantly.
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Digital Motion X-rays (DMX)

DMX is a motion picture of the bones while a person is moving in motion. It is a dynamic diagnostic tool that Dr. Alvin Philipose can utilize for your treatment, versus a static one, and can be used for all joints of the body. The scan is produced in real time and may be able to have findings MRI’s and CT
scans may not pick up while the person is moving. DMX can show spinal and peripheral joint instability from ligament damage. Pain is typically found during motion. By being able to see your bones in motion, DMX picks up the abnormal or excessive motion whereas MRI, CT scan and static x-rays do not. You could think about it this way: Static MRI is like a formal family portrait whereas DMX is the video of how your family really acts.

Customized Stretching Plan

At Venturis Clinic, a huge emphasis is placed on posture. Your posture is a window to your health and how well your spine functions. Many people who come to our office with headaches have posture problems that have likely existed for a long time. As a result, correcting these posture issues becomes imperative to successfully treating these headaches.
Forward head posture is the most common postural problem that we see. The head is supposed to be directly in line with the shoulders. Due to increased technology use (phones, tablets, etc.) we all tend to be looking down more than we used to. This can cause an increase strain of the muscles in the neck and back of the head and can contribute toward headaches.
At Venturis Clinic, Dr. Alvin Philipose will come up with a customized, corrective stretching plan that is unique to your needs. You will also receive stretching plan to complete at home in between your visits to the office. He will also provide advice for how to avoid aggravating your condition when working at your office. Overall, it is truly a team effort where the doctors, CA’s, and patients all work together to meet the patient’s goals.

Cervical Spinal Decompression | Oklahoma City, OK and Surrounding Areas

Sometimes, headaches can be related to disc injuries in the cervical spine (neck). When this happens, the nerves get very irritated from the inflammation that develops. If the nerves traveling up the back of the head are inflamed, it is easy for a headache to develop.
At Venturis Clinic, we will use spinal decompression to not only treat disc injuries in the neck, but also treat headaches. During this treatment, you will lie comfortably on your back with your head stabilized by 2 cushions on each side of the neck. The machine will then gently stretch the neck, which decreases the pressure on these nerves and helps to relieve disc-related pain.
We use this therapy along with specific chiropractic care and a custom therapeutic stretching program to address the root cause of your headaches and get you back to feeling your best!

Common Types of Headaches in Oklahoma City, OK and Surrounding Areas

Tension Headaches

As previously discussed, there are many different types of headaches that people can get, and one of the most common that we see at Venturis Clinic is tension headaches. These headaches cause a mild to moderate achy pain that feels like a tight band around your head. They are commonly felt in the back of the head, which is caused by increased muscle tension in this area as well as the neck. If you experience tension headaches, it is important to have your spine and muscles checked for any dysfunction that could be causing your condition.

Migraine Headaches

Another common headache that we have seen at Venturis Clinic is migraine headaches. These headaches can be more complicated because they have multiple possible causes and different presentations. Migraines can also have symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and/or sensitivity to light and sound. In some instances, migraine sufferers may experience an “aura” either before or during their migraine episode. An aura can best be described as a visual disturbance such a blurred vision, wavy lines, or flashing lights.
The pain from migraines can either be throbbing or pulsing, or in some cases extreme and debilitating. They have the potential to drastically decrease a person’s quality of life if left untreated. Migraines can be cervicogenic, meaning they originate in the cervical spine. It is wise to have a chiropractor check your spine and nervous system as part of your migraine management plan.

Sinus Headaches

Sinuses are air filled cavities in the skull. Their primary job is to produce mucus that protects the lining of the nose from bacteria and harmful organisms. When our sinuses get inflamed from either infection or allergies, they are unable to drain properly. This is a common occurrence that causes sinus-related headaches.
These headaches cause a deep, uncomfortable pressure feeling behind the eyes, cheeks, and forehead. The pain is typically worse when you bend forward because it increases the pressure on the sinuses. At our office, we use a combination of chiropractic care, Prolotherapy as well as NRT (Nasal Release Technique) to help decrease the pressure and help the sinuses drain more effectively. This provides relief and helps people get better faster.

TMJ Headache

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ for short) is the hinge joint known as your jaw. It is the joint that allows your mouth to open and close. If you have TMJ dysfunction, headaches can be a common symptom that follows. This type of headache is usually felt on the sides of the head, causing a deep ache in this region.
TMJ headaches can be very uncomfortable, so it is important to address them as quickly as possible. Dr. Alvin Philipose at Venturis Clinic has advanced training in TMJ disorders, and can help you understand the cause of your TMJ headache and how to fix it.

Whiplash Headache

At our office, we see many people who have recently been in auto accidents. One of the most common injuries these people have is due to whiplash, in which the head moves quickly back and forth as a result of impact. Whiplash headaches can be particularly painful because they involve both the head and the neck.
The pain of whiplash headaches is typically at the base of the skull, and it is exacerbated by moving the neck. This limits your range of motion and can decrease your ability to do your work, chores, or hobbies. Through chiropractic care, soft tissue work, and corrective exercise, our team can relieve your whiplash symptoms and get you on the road to recovery.
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is prolotherapy good for?

Many conditions respond well to prolotherapy, such as facet syndrome (back and neck arthritis), whiplash, joint sprains, degenerative disc disease, osteoarthritis, tennis elbow, sprains, chronic tendonitis, Ehler’s-Danlos Disease, Bulging disc, knee pain, shoulder pain Vagus nerve inflammation and more.

What are the risks of prolotherapy?

Theoretical risks of prolotherapy injections include soreness, infection or neurological (nerve) damage. Injections should be performed by trained physicians using universal precautions diagnostics examinations and tproper examinations. This results in very minimal side effects.

What is the average cost of prolotherapy?

Costs vary quite a bit from $150-$1500 dependent on type and contents of injections.

Is prolotherapy a permanent fix?

Prolotherapy is an all-natural, permanent treatment, as it relies on the body repairing itself to reduce pain. In contrast, pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications only provide temporary relief. Booster shots as well has wellness therapies including stretching, massage, chiropractic, dry-needling and strengthening will help maintain progress.

Who is a good candidate for prolotherapy?

More specifically, prolotherapy may be right for you if you experience any of the following: Damaged or lost tissue, especially surrounding the joints. If patients have tried various traditional treatments including prescription drugs, physical therapy, or steroids but seen minimal to no results, prolotherapy may be right for you.

Why does prolotherapy hurt so much?

A patient is generally sore for a couple of days after Prolotherapy. This is because the injections have to go through some muscles to get to the ligaments and tendons. To help the muscle soreness resolve itself sooner, dry needling and moist heat applied to the area is recommended.

Is prolotherapy better than cortisone?

Cortisone can cause tendon rupture, particularly of the achilles tendon. Prolotherapy is a proven orthopedic treatment to reduce pain and strengthen weakened joints without the negative side effects of cortisone.

What are the pros and cons of prolotherapy?

Prolotherapy is great for strengthening weak joints and creating heightened muscle functionality, such as increased movement and flexibility. However, there are some risks involved, for example it is a shot like any other so there could be pain or tenderness to the injection site.

What should you not do after prolotherapy?

Due to the numbness we ask that you refrain from any strenuous activities but to stay mobile. Continue to move affected area to decrease soreness and stiffness. You should avoid strenuous physical activity for 2 days following injections. You will experience some pain and soreness 2-5 days after your treatment. Do not take any anti-inflammatories, pain medications or steroids during treatments. This may inhibit your body’s ability to heal the affected tissue.

How long does prolotherapy take to heal?

Most ligaments and tendons heal within a period of 3 months; however, the majority of healing after a prolotherapy session occurs in the first two weeks.

How many prolotherapy sessions will I need?

Prolotherapy treatments vary from person to person and from injury to injury. Many patients have experienced some relief of their pain with only one session. The average person requires anywhere from 3-12 treatment sessions spaced about 3-6 weeks apart from each other.

How long does a prolotherapy injection last?

On average, patients experience one year of improvement and relief from prolotherapy. However, there is a huge variation and sometimes improvement lasts from three months to 15 years.

What is injected during prolotherapy?

Prolotherapy involves injections of a mild irritant into the injured part of your body. Most of the time the injection contains saline, dextrose (a type of sugar), and lidocaine, which is a numbing agent. Dr. Philipose custom tailors the injection, so the exact composition depends on your needs. These injections may include natural collagen, minerals, amino acids and other natural substances to accelerate healing compared to traditional prolotherapy.

Is prolotherapy better than surgery?

Prolotherapy is considered a viable alternative to surgery, and as an option to pain medications, cortisone and other steroidal injections. The Prolotherapy procedure is considered a safe, affordable option that allows the patient to keep working and/or training during treatment.

Can prolotherapy reverse arthritis?

One study with 90 adults with knee osteoarthritis involved some participants getting monthly prolotherapy injections of dextrose for 3 to 5 months. Those who received prolotherapy saw a significant improvement in pain, function, and stiffness scores.

Does prolotherapy regrow cartilage?

Prolotherapy is an injection of a non-biologic substance with localized effects for repairing connective tissue injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Recent studies in humans show that prolotherapy stimulates cartilage regeneration.

Are you sedated for prolotherapy?

Prolotherapy is a safe, cost effective injection technique used for treating musculoskeletal injuries and chronic pain in various parts of the body. It is noninvasive, has limited side effects and does not require sedation.

What does dry needling actually do?

Dry needling treats muscle tissue, and its goal is to reduce pain, inactivate trigger points and restore function. It rarely is a standalone procedure. Rather, it often is part of a broader physical therapy approach incorporating other traditional physical therapy interventions into treatment.

What is dry needling and does it hurt?

We use very thin filament needles. The initial feeling of the needle entering through the skin is very minimal; much less than a vaccination or having blood drawn. Once the needle reaches the muscle, the twitch sensation feels more like a deep cramp and doesn't last long (15-30 seconds).

How long does dry needling results last?

After dry needling, experiencing some slight soreness is normal, and you will typically note an improvement in your symptoms within one to two days. How long the benefits will last will vary per individual. The first few treatments will usually have a short length of relief spanning over several days.

How many sessions of dry needling do you need?

If treatment zones are found and the correct muscle groups are targeted, sub-acute conditions will improve after three – four consecutive sessions, with chronic injuries requiring five – six consecutive needling sessions.

Does dry needling remove knots?

Dry needle therapy resolves muscle knots by inserting a very thin needle directly into the trigger point. The knot responds to the interruption and relaxes immediately. Most patients agree that dry needling doesn't hurt in the way that you might think!

How deep do dry needles go?

Superficial dry needling involves inserting a needle at a depth up to 10 mm or into the subcutaneous tissue and may be combined with manipulation of the needle while in situ.

Does dry needling reduce inflammation?

The micro tears caused by the needle prompts the body's natural defenses to get to work, bringing nutrient-rich blood to the site and boosting tissue repair. Dry needling also helps to dissipate inflammatory mediators, those substances that gather in an area of inflammation.

Is dry needling good for arthritis?

Dry needling is an effective treatment in reducing pain from osteoarthritis because it increases blood circulation around the joint, thereby providing natural relief.

What exactly does a chiropractor do?

A chiropractor is trained to make sure your body is functioning as optimally as possible by using spinal manipulations and other therapies to relieve pain in your joints and muscles. These spinal adjustments will increase blood flow and nerve conductivity to the joints and muscles that are experiencing pain. They are taught philosophically to find and treat the cause rather than just the symptoms.

Is it healthy to go to the chiropractor?

Spinal manipulation and chiropractic care are generally considered safe, effective treatments for acute low back pain, the type of sudden injury that results from acute or chronic conditions such as strains, arthritis or disc injuries.

What are the benefits of chiropractic care?

• Improves neck pain.
• Reduces reliance on opioid pain relievers. 
• Eases back pain.
• Possible reduction of osteoarthritis symptoms. 
• Eases headache symptoms. 
• More affordable treatment for chronic back pain. 
• High satisfaction. 
• Reduces scoliosis symptoms.

What are the cons of seeing a chiropractor?

Spinal and joint manipulation has a chance to go wrong and may cause unwanted injuries. So it is important that you only have an appointment with an experienced chiropractor that performs the necessary examinations and diagnostics to ensure safe treatments. DO NOT ALLOW a physical therapist or any other untrained person try a manipulation especially without X-rays.

When should you go to a chiropractor?

Chiropractors are most sought after to treat neck and low back pain due to acute or chronic pain. If you experience back pain that lasts for more than a few days, consult a chiropractor for an assessment.

What cracks when you see a chiropractor?

During a back adjustment, your back undergoes quick, gentle stretching of the spinal facet joint, so you may hear a cracking or popping noise. This is caused by small pockets of air or bubbles, which are in the fluid that surrounds your joints.

Why do chiropractors want you to keep coming back?

Changing your posture, changing your spine's ability to move, changing your muscle health and structure take time. Months in fact. All muscles have memory and your body wants to go back to its old patterns instead of creating new healthy ones. That is why adjustments need to be repeated again and again

Is chiropractic care is ineffective?

Critics are skeptical mainly due to the fact that chiropractic care does not involve medications or any invasive surgeries. Some have associated this practice with some side effects and fatal complications in some cases resulting in death or stroke. It also goes against the medical philosophy of not prescribing medications. In recent years there has been a comparison that shows not only Chiropractic to be safe, but healthier and more successful than taking steroids and medications. There are also various techniques now that prevent any type of injuries due the gentleness of the adjustment.

Why do some chiropractors crack and others don't?

The noises you hear during chiropractic treatment depend on the technique used. For example, some techniques cause a cracking sound, and others don't, but both can be highly effective, depending on your needs. So, whether you hear an abundance of pops or none at all, you don't need to worry.
If you have tried multiple types of doctors and treatments but still hurting, you may not have found the cause. We can help!
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7917 N May Ave, Oklahoma City, 
OK 73120, USA
(405) 848-7246
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