Dr. Alvin Philipose DC/ Nitin Sawheny MD
Prolotherapy Injections Specialist Near Me in Oklahoma City, OK

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Why a second opinion - Oklahoma City
Why a second opinion - Oklahoma City

This is Dr. Phillipose here at Venturis Clinic and today we're going to be talking about why a second opinion. Second opinions are important for people that have tried various things.90% of our cases have done physical therapy, drugs or may be facing surgery or have had surgery.  A lot of times things can get […]

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Prolotherapy and hip pain - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Prolotherapy injections can help you heal your hip pain. What is prolotherapy? Prolotherapy is a type of natural injection therapy that helps to stimulate the body's natural healing processes. This can be done by injecting a substance like sugar water (for example, dextrose) or a customized injection containing natural collagen, minerals, amino acids and other […]

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Prolozone for knee pain - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Prolozone is a natural, non-invasive and drug-free treatment for knee pain. It is an effective alternative to surgery. It can help relieve the pain, inflammation, and stiffness you experience from arthritis or injuries. Call now for your free consultation! #prolotherapy #nosurgery #kneepain #venturis #oklahoma #oklahomacity #Piedmont #Philipose

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Digital motion x-ray and prolotherapy Oklahoma City Oklahoma

Digital Motion X-ray is the only diagnostic innovation in chiropractic since the invention of upright x-ray over 100 years ago. Digital Motion X-ray is a technology that allows for spinal imaging under load (motion) using fluoroscopy. In essence, it is a live x-ray machine that captures motion like a video camera. Digital Motion X-Ray is […]

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Prolotherapy for Vagus Nerve Instability- Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Prolotherapy for Vagus Nerve Instability What are the Vagus Nerves?: The vagus nerve (designated as CN X, medically), is a set of two nerves, one on the right side of the neck and one on the left side of the neck. It’s one of the longest and most important nerves in the body and helps […]

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What is Prolotherapy? - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Prolotherapy: What to Know Prolotherapy (proliferative therapy), ligament reconstruction therapy, and fibro-osseous injection therapy, is a recognized procedure that stimulates the body’s natural healing processes to strengthen joints weakened by traumatic or overuse injury. Joints weakened when ligaments or tendon attachments are stretched, torn, or fragmented, become hypermobile and painful. Traditional approaches with surgery and […]

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If you have tried multiple types of doctors and treatments but still hurting, you may not have found the cause. We can help!
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7917 N May Ave, Oklahoma City, 
OK 73120, USA
(405) 848-7246
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